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__________________________ is committed to customer satisfaction. If you have a dispute regarding your service, and cannot resolve it directly with  customer service representatives by calling, you can choose to with company registered with us . You must first notify of the dispute in writing at least 30 days in advance of initiating an arbitration. You can do this by printing & completing & submitting this form to us. Please be sure to complete this form in its entirety and keep a copy for your records. Completed forms should be sent by email   , or you can mail to:

ICADRP, 32-A ,Main Nazim ud din Road F-10/4__________________________________________________

We would like to try to resolve your dispute. Should you not be able to resolve your dispute, we provide further details on how to initiate on our website:

Account Owner Name
Account BIlling Address
Account No
Moblibe Number
Alternate contact Number

I am/am not (circle one) represented by an attorney. If represented, my attorney’s contact information is below

Name of attorney
Attorney phone number

Briefly describe the nature of your dispute and attach any supporting documents:

0 / 10000

Briefly describe the relief you seek (e.g. credits, refunds, services improvement, termination of account). Be sure to give specific amount as to any credits or refunds sought:

0 / 10000

Signature: _________________ .

Date: ____________ .


I hereby certify that I am the account owner of the above account(s) or a duly representative of the account holder.

0 / 5000

Signature of Account Owner or Authorized Representative:

____________________________________________ .

Date: _____________ .
